Are you looking to transition from a temporary role to a permanent position?
By partnering with a staffing firm like Reliable Resources, you can accomplish just that.
How so? Here are 10 strategies job seekers can deploy to turn a temporary role into a permanent opportunity:
Get the process started by informing a recruiter from a staffing firm about your career goals. Recruiters know many job seekers desire full-time, permanent placement, and will work with you to help achieve those goals. Once your recruiter is aware of your goals, they can go to work on your behalf and begin using their relationships with employers to help identify the perfect fit for you. They will take on the burden of seeking out job opportunities for you, while you focus on your work as a temporary employee.
Employers who hire temporary employees expect workers to be professional, dedicated, and as productive as permanent staff members. Treat a temporary job like a dress rehearsal for a permanent one. From day one, demonstrate to the employer that you are ready and willing to do what it takes to stand out and make an impact. By making a positive impression, you increase the chances that the employer will want to extend you a permanent position when the time is right.
If not, at the very least you create an advocate for yourself that can serve as a trusted reference in the future.
Being a temporary employee doesn’t mean you can’t make a permanent impact. From your first day on the job until your last day, go above and beyond in your work. Strive to be a team player, ask questions that demonstrate that you’re committed to improvement, meet your deadlines, and show a willingness to take on additional projects. Lastly, don’t be afraid to share any ideas you have that can benefit the organization you’re working for.
In addition to speaking with your recruiter about turning temporary jobs into full-time opportunities, discuss this possibility with your boss with the company where you are placed. Don’t do it on day one. But, develop a plan with your recruiter and when time is right, ask your boss if you could discuss this possibility. But be sure to let your recruiter know you want to bring this up – they can also provide direction or work with the employer on your behalf if it’s a fit.
Employers and hiring managers seek to hire people that can both do the job and mesh with their team members. Try to be social and friendly with your co-workers. Go to lunch with your colleagues, attend post-work functions or happy hours if you can, and maintain a positive and friendly attitude at work.
By doing all the above, you’ll be off to a great start on making a strong first impression with your co-workers, boss, and other team members. Each one could be a future reference for you who can speak highly of you for your next role either with your current organization or with another.
Temporary jobs are a great opportunity to work on new projects, cultivate new skills, and improve your resume. Do whatever you can to add new or unique skills to stand out in your industry. Better yet, try to learn or add a coveted skill in your industry. The more skills you have the more appealing you will be for permanent roles.
Some days are going to be tough. The temp job may not be exactly what you want, and it could be frustrating not working in your dream job, or one that provides more satisfaction. If you are not digging your current role, do your best to hide it. Don’t show your frustration and avoid vocalizing complaints to your co-workers. If you must vent your emotions, do so outside of work to a friend or family member.
This correlates well with the previous tip. Part of avoiding voicing and displaying your frustrations is to avoid getting involved with the frustrations of others. Few things can affect your mood and enjoyment of your job like workplace drama.
Are there little things that people in your department don’t like doing? Are there new projects out there that others don’t want to step up and lead? Don’t limit yourself to your job description and look for new ways to make an impact. Make yourself available and accessible and let it be known you’ll do what it takes to get the job done.
Want to go from a temporary to full-time role? Follow these 10 tips to stand out, make an impact, and land the permanent, full-time job of your dreams. Tackle the first tip by contacting one of our experienced recruiters today!
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