You will find an endless list of interview tips online, but few focus on how to shine as a temporary employee. While standard industry and interview questions are sure to be part of the mix your answers need to be catered toward your short-term position—even if you hope to become a more permanent employee.
Employers who hire temps are looking for a clear and specific skill set. While you might paint a broader picture of your skills in a permanent placement interview, a temp interview is not the time and place. The only exception is when interviewing with the temp agency, who will want the full scope of your skills. But when interviewing for a specific position the agency is trying to place you in—be clear on the job description and offer insights about the experience you have that can positively contribute. This might include how long you have had the skills they are looking for, the type of related software you are familiar with, and any measurable results you have delivered in the past. For example:
Even if your goal as a temp is to wow your employer enough that they offer a permanent position, the interview is not the time to let this be known. In fact, letting them know that you would prefer something more permanent or long-term may reduce your chances of getting the job. At the current moment the employer needs to fill, so focus instead on how you can help. If you shine once through the door and a permanent position opens up hiring managers are more likely to consider a standout temp than someone entirely new.
If you are being placed through a temp agency, there is no negotiating your salary. The salary and budget have already been set and in many cases, you will violate your temp agency terms by negotiating. However, if you are interviewing as an individual contractor you want to get the salary part in during the interview—ideally before an offer has been made. Either way, anything short-term is likely to have a strict budget so there may not be room for negotiation.
It is always wise to ask at least one or two questions of your own during an interview but keep your questions as related to the job or project as possible. Ideally, ask questions that arise during the interview—but skip the “why do you like working here” questions as that supports a long-term mindset.
Your temp agency will provide your availability to the hiring manager, but if your schedule is not wide-open or industry-standard—be sure you have it written down and ready to share. For example, if you are a student have your school schedule ready and be sure to factor in the commute time to and from. Also, be sure to highlight if you are available for evenings, swing shift, or weekends.
Many temp interviews happen over phone or video, so be sure you are somewhere quiet that you can focus. If interviewing by video, be mindful of your background scenery—and yes, you must dress to impress. Whether live or by video dress in clean industry-standard attire. If you are unsure of what to wear, ask the temp agency. The goal of your temp interview is to be flexible and capable so that the next time they need a temp or are hiring a permanent employee—you will be top of mind!
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